February 23, 2025
Home » “I Was Doped By Coach & Trainer” Confesses Peterite 2010 Rugby Skipper – (Video)

5 thoughts on ““I Was Doped By Coach & Trainer” Confesses Peterite 2010 Rugby Skipper – (Video)

  1. When reading this article, what ever you do wrong, it will come back to you. Also I see some names mention for doping and now they are coaches and educators. Is it right for a player one time to be suspended for doping and then become a coach and educators. Past performance should be taken in to account when positions are given. This is a laps for not having a proper system in place.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more !! This is a serious breach and should be taken to the highest authorities the IRB and life time bans issued to all those found guilty

  2. The respective coaches and trainers named and the past players who has been banned and named on the article should be thrown out of then system as its a cancer to the society.
    The respective schools and their management and old boys should be ashamed of this as its unsportsmanship at its best.
    Winning this way doesn’t mean anything. And that championship is of no use.
    Shame on the schools, and the coaches and the rugby committees who keep paying them.

  3. Allm most all professional athlete use several kinds of crcreatinine and supplements. If they are illegal products how could these be sold in supermarkets and in many other shops around the world?? But iintroducing a band product to a player by a coach is a high criminal offense. It is same as dealing with heroin. If it has been done in any where should be punished.

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