Home » Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s First Appointments Spark Controversy

22 thoughts on “Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s First Appointments Spark Controversy

  1. හරිම අපුරැ සටහන් පෙලක්. පෙන්නන්කො මේ සටහන් කරැ යමි දවසක මහ බැංකුව කැඩු රනිල් ගැන ජනපති පදවිය ලද අවස්ථාවේද් කල සටහනක්. සවේන්සද්‍ර කල යුධ අපරාධ ගැන යමක්, දේශබන්දුගේ අනිතික පත්කිරිම ගැන යමක් . ලියුම් කරැට අවශ්‍ය සාමිප්‍රදායට අනුව අල බැහැල වැල මැරිච්ච ජනාධිපති ලේකම් කෙනක් පත්කරගන්නද ? එයඉඑයාගෙ කැමැත්ත සහ අයිතිය. රවි සෙනෙවිරත්න හොද පොලිස් නිලධාරයෙක්. ඔහුගේ සේවය ඉදිරිකාලයේදී බොහෝ දේශපාලවන් වෙනුවෙන් ක්‍රියාත්මක වේවි ඔවුන් කර ඇති අපරාද සම්බන්දව. සම්පත් තුය්ය කොන්තා අති දක්ෂ ගුවන් නියමුවෙක්. ඒකට ලියුම් කරැගේ විලාපයට එහාගිය ජනතා ප්‍රසාදයක් ඇති බව සදහන් කරමි. ලියුම් කරැ කුලියට ලියනකෙනක් බව පැහැදිලියි. 😂

    1. ලියුම්කරැ ගොම්මන්පිලගෙ කුලියට ලියන්නෙක් බවද පැහැදිලියා

  2. AKD hasnt violated the constitution .This is not the first time Secretaries were appointed out of SLAS .Balapatabedi,Wickrama Weerasooriya,PBJayasundar and so on .Critisisms are welcome . But this is mud sling .Space is limited to explain

    1. 100 percent correct.Most of them are public officers.Look at followings:
      Ranjith Fernando (NDB Chairman).
      Anura Weeraratna(Se Fisheries)
      Ranjan Wijeratna(Se Agriculture)

  3. Give some Time Buddy! Give some space to breath. Try to help him by providing some facts to figure out some plans to getrid of this economic crisis, which was well established by Rajapakses and UNP people during past 76 years.

  4. The fact that Colombo Telegraph hadn’t the guts to highlight the heinous misdeeds of the Rajapakshas and our Geriatric, foundation lathered, Wickremasinghe (the batalanda torture chambers, the baseless discontinuation and sale of the Sapugaskanda Urea Plant for scrap metal – almost, Richard De Soysa, Premakeerthi De Alwis) shows the bias they exhibit. That is a sad commentary on this news agency.

  5. President’s secretary has a first class honors and likely a bright guy whom AKD trusts . Customs is a big source of revenue and his direction helps
    Thuyacontha is a well regarded and respected officer. Any senior officer who took part in the war can be tainted .
    Ravi Seneviratne may be in a difficult situation due to the cases he has to defend although they are politically motivated

    1. Politicaly motivated such as “forced him alcohol “and ask him to take control of a vehicle then arrested after smashing into a vehicle.

    2. If we want change for the better, we need to give the new President time to establish the new ministry and positions of power. If, after some time in the job, no progress is made, then criticise. The main focus is our country and its people of ALL types. Unity is strength. Don’t isolate issues. Progress and a clean up of the particularly sordid and entrenched corruption which main stream media was FRIGHTENED to report for fear of repercussions like the MIB execution of Lasantha Wickrematunga. People have ridiculous demands with unrealistic expectations.

    3. We do not need to jujustify every move he makes. Seriously. We needed change and he is doing it. There will be adverse comnents from losers. This country has been opressed by bad governance for too long.

  6. Give him breathing space and comment if there are any irregularities happening. This is all misleading information. Don’t be bias.

  7. As a Dutch Burgher, whose parents had the for sight to eave the country in 1954, I am glad to be living in Canada….

  8. Well you can write what you want in the article
    But the majority of the people needed a change and that has happened now
    He need people he can trust to work

  9. Totally disagree with your arguments.See the constitution and the president’s power in appointing his secretaries. Even govt. Department’s heads are appointed according to the constitution section 55(3). Ethical consideration and legal obligation are two different things.

  10. You can write all you want. He is the president and we thank God for the change that is taking place. He will be critisised for every move he makes. Nevertheless we the people support him.

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