A private hospital in Hatton has been slapped with a fine of Rs. 500,000 for charging patients more than the approved fee for a complete blood test. The incident came to light after several patients lodged complaints with the Nuwara Eliya District Consumer Services Authority, prompting an investigation.
According to the investigation, the hospital was charging Rs. 600 for a complete blood test, despite the government-approved rate being Rs. 400. The hospital management officer responsible was produced before the Hatton Magistrate’s Court, where he admitted to the overcharge. Hatton District Judge and Magistrate M. Farukdin imposed the fine, highlighting the importance of adhering to regulated pricing in healthcare services.
The investigation was led by Amila Ratnayake, District Head of the Consumer Services Authority, who emphasized that this is part of an ongoing effort to protect consumers from unfair pricing practices. He assured that similar investigations will continue throughout the Nuwara Eliya District to ensure compliance and that strict legal action will be taken against healthcare providers found guilty of exploiting patients.
Patients are encouraged to report any instances of overcharging or unethical practices to the Consumer Services Authority to help maintain transparency and fairness in the healthcare sector.