A businessman has lodged a formal complaint with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) alleging that Ravi Vidyalankara, the former Senior DIG and head of the Police Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) during the previous Yahapalana government, defrauded him of Rs. 75 million in a real estate deal involving the half-built Krish building in Colombo.
According to the businessman, he had purchased five properties within the Krish building, only to find himself at the center of a fraudulent scheme. The complaint outlines that Vidyalankara, who was in a position of power during his tenure as FCID head, allegedly took Rs. 75 million from the businessman, leading to significant financial loss.
The businessman further implicated several other individuals in the case, including former Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa, Janaki, Piyumali, and a group associated with them. He claims that these individuals were part of the fraudulent activities that took place during the deal.
This is not the first time the businessman has raised the issue; he has previously filed seven cases in relation to the matter and has made 15 complaints to the CID in an attempt to seek justice. Despite the repeated efforts, the businessman asserts that no substantial action has been taken to resolve the issue.
The CID is now investigating the case, and the accusations against Vidyalankara and the others involved have drawn significant public attention, as it highlights allegations of corruption and fraud at high levels of authority during the previous administration.