Sports Minister Sunil Kumara Gamage’s refusal to engage with the media, particularly English-language print outlets, has raised questions and concerns among journalists and reporters. Since his appointment in November 2024, Gamage has remained largely unavailable for media interviews or comment on matters related to the sports sector.
Gamage, a former chartered accountant, was appointed by the President to oversee the country’s sports affairs and later made a national list MP for the National People’s Power. However, nearly two months after assuming the role, the Minister has yet to make a meaningful public appearance or respond to media inquiries.
Several journalists from prominent print media organizations have expressed frustration, stating that despite repeated attempts to reach out for statements or interviews, their efforts have been met with silence. Reporters have also cited that inquiries about various pressing sports-related issues have gone unanswered.
Sources close to the government suggest that Gamage’s apparent media avoidance is not just a matter of oversight, but possibly linked to internal political maneuvering. Some have even speculated that the Deputy Minister’s actions may reflect an unofficial smear campaign within the government, targeting certain ministers.
The lack of communication from the Minister comes at a time when various issues in Sri Lankan sports require attention, and it has left the media and the public in the dark about the government’s plans for the future of the sector.
As Gamage continues to remain tight-lipped, the questions surrounding his role in sports governance persist. Critics argue that engaging with the media and maintaining transparency are crucial elements for any minister, especially when managing a vital sector such as sports, which impacts millions across the nation.