Home » Bye! Bye! Maxwell – Sports Minister to Boot Out Corrupt NOC Secretary General

1 thought on “Bye! Bye! Maxwell – Sports Minister to Boot Out Corrupt NOC Secretary General

  1. Minister of sports has to boot out many fraudsters in sports who have been investigated and found guilty . The Auditor General have reported many financial frauds and nefarious activities of many National Federations. By the way, these corrupt officials have crept into minister’s inner circle and has become his close councellors.Cycling Federation is on the top of the list where ex top officials were investigated for malpractices and fraud by the sports ministry and were guilty of all counts including theft thus banned for life.If the minister wants to support Clean up Sri Lanka mooted by the President first clean up the sports Mafia.Why wait until the IOC gives the direction to suspend the officials. It gives an impression that the minister is only a figurehead and is powerless. Why can’t the minister ask the auditor general to do a forensic audit of all National Federations or Boards who have openly violated the sports act pilfered assets and funds belonging to athletes. Well, All previous ministers during the last two decades were agents of corrupt officials and used to coverup these swindlers for personal favours.Mr.Minister please be careful of these new found vicious circle of friends.They may harm your integrity literally disguised as gentlemen in sports.

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