Former MP Premanath Dolawatta has raised serious allegations against the government, claiming that plans are underway to remove three senior officials in Parliament, including the Secretary General and two Deputy Secretaries. He alleged that the objective behind this move is to appoint individuals closely aligned with influential government figures to these critical roles.
Dolawatta stated that the officials in question possess the necessary qualifications and extensive experience to fulfill their responsibilities effectively, making their potential removal questionable. According to him, this alleged effort to transfer seasoned professionals out of their positions undermines meritocracy and could erode the institutional integrity of Parliament.
The former MP expressed concerns that such actions could lead to further politicization of public administration, particularly in the legislative branch. “Replacing capable and independent officials with individuals driven by political loyalties is a dangerous precedent,” Dolawatta remarked, emphasizing the importance of maintaining impartiality within parliamentary operations.
The allegations have drawn attention from opposition parties and civic organizations, with calls for transparency in appointments to public positions. So far, there has been no official response from the government addressing these claims, leaving the issue shrouded in speculation. Critics argue that if these allegations prove true, they could damage public trust in Parliament’s independence and highlight a broader trend of political interference in Sri Lanka’s administrative framework.