The Director General of Customs, P.B.S.C. Nonis, has issued a detailed clarification regarding the release of 323 imported containers without undergoing the usual physical inspection, an issue that has sparked significant controversy in recent days. The statement aims to address concerns raised by various media reports, political figures, and the public regarding the potential risks associated with the clearance of these containers.
According to Sri Lanka Customs, the country has been following a risk-based cargo clearance system since September 2020, designed to enhance efficiency while ensuring compliance with necessary regulations. Under this system, goods imported into the country are processed through four different methods: physical inspection, scan inspection, dual inspection (both physical and scan), and direct release without physical or scan inspection, based on risk assessment principles.
The clearance backlog of containers had significantly worsened in recent months due to extended delays in the physical inspection process, leading to severe congestion at the port facilities. This issue resulted in a substantial delay in the clearance of essential goods, including raw materials required for industries, consumer goods, and various imports critical to the economy. Recognizing the urgency of the matter, Sri Lanka Customs introduced several strategies to resolve the congestion and expedite clearance procedures.
As part of these efforts, a Screening Unit comprising senior, experienced officers was established to assess risk levels and determine which containers required mandatory physical inspections and which could be released without further scrutiny. Customs emphasized that, on a regular basis, nearly 60% of all imported containers are cleared daily without physical inspection, based on their risk assessment.
The revised container clearance method was approved by Customs senior management and was implemented under the supervision of an Additional Director General of Customs beginning on July 18, 2024. Under this system, the criteria for container release were modified to include factors such as whether the goods had undergone scanning, whether price verification was completed, whether a detailed description of the goods was provided, and whether multiple importers were involved in a single shipment. Additionally, any goods that were under ongoing surveillance by other law enforcement agencies were excluded from this expedited process.
The Committee overseeing the clearance process met several times following the implementation of the new system, ultimately deciding on January 18, 2025, to release 323 containers that met the necessary criteria. This decision was made in direct response to instructions from the President and under the guidance of Transport, Highways, Ports, and Civil Aviation Minister Bimal Ratnayake, who had been tasked with finding an immediate solution to the escalating congestion issue.
According to Customs authorities, the decision to release these containers was made in line with standard customs protocols, and no evidence suggests that any illegal or unauthorized goods were included. Customs officials also pointed out that the expedited clearance process has significantly reduced congestion at ports, thereby allowing importers to clear their goods more efficiently at a lower cost.
Furthermore, a comprehensive report on this matter was tabled in Parliament on January 22, 2025, by Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs, Prof. Anil Jayantha. This report provided a detailed breakdown of the rationale behind the clearance process and reaffirmed that the release of the containers adhered to the prescribed guidelines.
The Director General of Customs strongly refuted allegations that these containers contained weapons, gold, narcotics, or any other prohibited items, stressing that all necessary checks and balances were in place. He also categorically denied any involvement of Espo Lanka, a company previously mentioned in connection with alleged fraudulent import activities.
Despite these reassurances, opposition parties, trade unions, and members of the business community have continued to raise concerns over the transparency of the process, questioning whether certain high-profile individuals benefited from the expedited clearance. In response, government officials have reiterated that Sri Lanka Customs will continue to review and improve its clearance procedures to prevent future disruptions while maintaining the country’s security and revenue interests.
As the controversy continues, political analysts predict that this issue could become a major point of debate in Parliament, with opposition leaders pushing for greater accountability and transparency in government decisions related to customs operations and trade facilitation.