Minister Samantha Vidyarathna expressed confidence that the National People’s Power would secure a decisive victory in the upcoming Pradeshiya Sabha elections, mirroring its success in the presidential and general elections. He made these remarks while addressing the media after attending an event at the Hatton Thondaman Vocational Training Center on the 31st.
During his speech, the Minister highlighted several key initiatives aimed at supporting farmers and ensuring food security. He announced that a cabinet paper would be presented on March 3 to establish a guaranteed price for paddy, benefiting farmers currently harvesting their crops. He assured that once the paddy harvest is completed, rice would be made available to the public at a regulated price, easing the burden on consumers.
Regarding the local government elections, Minister Vidyarathna acknowledged that there are ongoing legal issues that need to be resolved. However, he emphasized that the elections would be held expeditiously once these matters are addressed. He expressed optimism that the National People’s Power would gain control of the majority of local government institutions, continuing its strong performance in previous elections.
The Minister’s statements reflect the government’s focus on addressing agricultural challenges, ensuring fair prices for farmers, and maintaining political momentum ahead of the local government polls.