Home » Monkey Mafia Strikes Again – Sri Lanka (2025), Zambia (2016) & Kenya (2016)

1 thought on “Monkey Mafia Strikes Again – Sri Lanka (2025), Zambia (2016) & Kenya (2016)

  1. These explanations of Sri Lanka’s latest, Kenya’s and Zambia’s country wide power grid failure defy plausibility.

    The other examples from New Zealand, America, Canada and Japan are much more believable given that the alleged third party (animal) involvement only affected a portion of the grid.

    Taking Sri Lanka’s latest misfortune, the explannation of a single substation event leading to nationwide grid failure, suggests that the set-up and operation of the grid is seriously deficient. Such single location events should not in a well managed grid system lead to complete grid failure.

    It suggests to me that the explanation is a smokescreen for a wider failure of grid operational systems and staff on the day.

    It’s time the Electrical Engineering mafia running Sri Lanka’s energy systems were held to account.

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