Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky surprisingly called off his briefing with US Senate amid an impasse over future US funding. The Ukrainian President has not confirmed as to why he decided to cancel at the very last minute, but shocked lawmakers amongst rumors that the US might run out of money to help Ukraine. Zelensky and his country stand to lose not only funding but also the war if the US does not approve the mega budget put forth by the Biden Administration, if matters are not resolved by the end of the year.
President Zelensky was due to appear in front of the US Senate on 5 December to urge the lawmakers to be swift with their decision, as his country hangs on by a thread. The parties were meant to discuss ongoing matters faced not only by the Ukrainian Military but also its economy. The Biden Administration has put up an enormous 106 billion US dollar budget to aid Ukraine, but needs the approval of Congress. Zelensky’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, said earlier on Tuesday there was a “big risk” of a Ukranian defeat without continued US support and US Senate Leader Chuck Schumer also address his concerns.