(COLOMBO) – A total of 83 people have been killed in homicides from the start of this year in Sri Lanka including 10 that had been linked to organized crime gangs, a senior most police official said.
Apart from the killings some 1,180 burglaries and 310 robberies were also reported during this same period, Police Media Spokesman Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Nihal Thalduwa said.
He added that the police have implemented several measures to curb the crime rate but did not elaborate.
The worrying crime statistics come even as the police aided by the armed forces are currently involved in a massive special anti-crime operation known locally as ‘Yukthiya’ or Justice throughout the country.
Thousands of persons, the bulk of them drug users and peddlers have been nabbed in the operation that is carried out on a daily basis and which began shortly before Christmas last year.