The International Federation of Teqball (FITEQ) has officially suspended its member the Teqball Federation of Sri Lanka and ordered the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka to commence an investigation into the misappropriation funds and its inactivity over a considerable period of time, The Morning Telegraph can reveal today.
Earlier today, László Vajda Secretary General of FITEQ whilst addressing a letter to President Gamini Jayasinghe and Secretary General T.I.Uduwara of the National Teqball Federation of Sri Lanka, officially informed them of the suspension.

Contents of his letter read ” Dear Gentlemen, FITEQ has received information about serious allegations relating to ongoing financial mismanagement and lack of operational activities of your federation. I hereby inform you that as the due and necessary measure, FITEQ suspends the National Teqball Federation of Sri Lanka with immediate effect based on provisions under Section 2.1.4/b of the FITEQ Statutes. This suspension will remain in effect until satisfactory resolutions are attained and received by FITEQ following the initiated investigation by the NOC of Sri Lanka and any other relevant entity in Sri Lanka.”

President Gamini Jayasinghe and one of the Vice Presidents Maxwell De Silva of the Sri Lanka Teqball Federation also serve the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka as Treasurer and Secretary General respectively. The duo is currently being investigated by multiple bodies for their alleged involvement in cases related to fraud, corruption and human smuggling.
The FITEQ Secretary General also provided National Teqball Federation of Sri Lanka three working days to confirm receipt of the correspondence and also to acknowledge the full compliance of rendering of its full cooperation with FITEQ and the investigators.
Earlier on the 27th of February 2024, the FITEQ Chairman, Hungarian born Viktor Huszar, was quoted expressing his sadness that many Sri Lankans were unaware that such a sport exists in Sri Lanka despite its member receiving a steady cash flow from its international parent body and confirmed that he would get the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka to conduct an investigation of its own Executive Committee Members who had formed the Teqball Federation of Sri Lanka.
Links to stories published earlier by The Morning Telegraph on this topic are found below.
EXPOSE: More Scandalous Acts Committed By NOCSL Ex-Co Officials – (themorningtelegraph.com)