If the programme to provide Toque monkeys to zoos in China is successful then other countries may also be encouraged to import toque monkeys from Sri lanka which will help in reducing crop damage caused by these animals, Sri Lankan Minister of Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said on Wednesday.
He was reacting to a large number of complaints from local farmers from different areas in the country about their crops being destroyed by Toque monkeys.
Initially, there was a plan to send 100,000 Toque monkeys to Chinese zoos, but this program was put on hold due to an injunction order obtained by animal-friendly organisations, he said.
To address crop damage caused by wild animals, the Minister announced his decision to submit a Cabinet Paper to lower the minimum extent of land required to issue shotguns, from five acres to two acres.
Farmers from various districts reported significant crop losses due to toque monkeys damaging coconuts, vegetables, fruits and other crops. They noted a drastic reduction in harvests, even dropping from 800 to fewer than 100 coconuts.
Farmers urged the Minister to provide a permanent solution. Minister Amaraweera acknowledged the increasing damage from wild boars, peacocks, Toque monkeys and giant squirrels, attributing it to their growing populations and instructed the Ministry Secretary to prepare a Cabinet Paper for approval towards this end.