September 20, 2024
Home » What if No Candidate Gets 50%? Public Must Be Prepared, Warns Lecturer

1 thought on “What if No Candidate Gets 50%? Public Must Be Prepared, Warns Lecturer

  1. It is still not clear.
    It is said above that “if no candidate secures 50% of the votes in the first count, the candidates with fewest votes are eliminated.”
    What does it mean? Are they the candidates who secured 3rd position
    Is it that 2nd preference of candidates who came 1st and 2nd are not counted to select the winner?
    What if 3 candidates receive very close number of votes in the 1st count (say just above 30% of the votes), is candidate with 3r highest in the 1st count, eliminated and 2nd preference votes are not added to him to select the winner.
    Kindly clarify in detail to avoid the rationale, ambiguity and possible post election unrest due to ambiguity.
    Thank you in advance.

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