October 22, 2024
Home » SriLankan Airlines: Pilot Who Turned Cock-pit into Lock-pit Makes International Headlines

6 thoughts on “SriLankan Airlines: Pilot Who Turned Cock-pit into Lock-pit Makes International Headlines

  1. From what we have heard Sri Lankan pilots are overworked due to the lack. Of trained staff. I don’t know if that us accurate, but if it is fatigue can set in and, yes, pilots can crash at the controls!! This is a negative image for the airline and the country. The new government will definitely intervene, we are certain.

  2. … But cadet pilots are screened via a plethora of aptitude and behavioural tests to the point of harassment to weed out unsuitable pilots! Clearly the recruitment process needs an overhaul if the end result is a group of “professionals” that act akin to bickering children at a playground!

  3. Dissatisfied with the captain’s reckless procedure. But there is no point in scolding the captain himself. There should be an immediate inquiry into the actions of the assistant captain. In such a case, she should act wisely. Arguing between passengers and flight crew is not acceptable. It makes the passengers on the plane nervous and scared. I came to know that this happened because she came late to her cockpit. Patience as a woman should be practiced more. It is important that both work calmly and happily. I mention that one’s duty should be to perform one’s duty as divine service. It also brings respect to your company. I am of the position that both of them should be given a chance to reinstate. // Ex Sri Lankan staff Ruwanthi Ranasgalla …..

    1. Oh get a grip. These are not gender roles. There is no reason for a “woman to be more patient”. This is exactly the kind of cultural roles that should NOT be at play in the cockpit. Perhaps you feel comfortable in being discriminated being a woman, but there’s no need to push for that to be normalized in 2024. As for “scolding” the captain, if you really are en ex-airline staff member, you should know that the buck stops with the captain. He is the one ultimately responsible for all matters on board his aircraft. His legal obligation is to follow protocols, regulations, CRM, and fly the plane accordingly. If there was a problem with the First Officer’s actions, that should be addressed when the flight is safely on the ground again, and through proper channels. Not by throwing a hissy fit and and toddler tantrum on board, that endangered the lives of all passengers on board. Really, this regressive thinking such as your is what makes me despair for the state of Sri Lanka and whether it’s people will ever really join the 21st century in gender equalization.

  4. I feel sorry for the Captain. Actually he had full control of the situation. There was no safety threat what so ever as far as the captain was concerned. Unfortunately he chose the wrong time and the wrong place to teach a lesson to the First officer.In addition he used the word hijack which cannot be taken as a joke in any place in aviation either on ground at an airport or aircraft in flight.. But my personal opinion is that he did what he did with good intention.. Captain never jeopardized safety. It takes years of hard work and dedication to become an airline Captain. He can’t be thrown into a dustbin just for nothing .A proper enquiry must be conducted by experienced captains and. not by the know all types who have never flown bigjet airplanes. As for the First Officer is considered ask her to take a potty to the cockpit next time she flies or ask her to wear a pamper every time she flies.
    Give a reasonable punishment to
    for both pilots for breaking cockpit security rules and get them back on line fast

    Ex safety manager. Srilankan.

  5. It is absurd to say that the captain had full control of the situation. It is not a joke. This is kiddish behaviour to put the lives of the passengers and the crew in danger. Apart from that,, the bad reputation and the damaging publicity around the aviation world have done considerable damage to the national airline. If the behaviour of the co-pilot was substandard, he should have followed the necessary protocol after ensuring the safety of the passengers. Bringing the aircraft safely to the destination is not sufficient, after making all this drama in the air. My opinion is they should not be given any chance in the airline again, the disasters happened in the past, and we have known similar horrible incidents in the past due to this imbalanced attitude of flight crews. Both of them are not suitable to become a driver and conductor of a CTB bus.

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