October 22, 2024
Home » The Truth Unveiled: Royal College Union Clarifies Details on Chamod’s Rugby Injury

9 thoughts on “The Truth Unveiled: Royal College Union Clarifies Details on Chamod’s Rugby Injury

  1. Several questions about the negligence of the coach still remain unanswered.

    • Why did the coach insist the player return to contact training despite the player reporting feelings of nausea? According to World Rugby coaching guidelines, any player experiencing nausea or dizziness should be immediately removed from training.
    • Why was a school rugby team training with a Army team?
    • Why did the coach fail to visit the boy in the hospital after the injury or follow up on his condition post-surgery? This lack of basic compassion, which one would expect from any coach, is troubling. The boy felt completely used and discarded.

    1. @Jaith de Silva. How informed are you on the sequence of events? If I were to say that there was no complaint before the first contact incident? Would that be gospel truth?

      If I were to say, the contact occurred with a senior player from the previous year and not an army player? Would that be the truth?

  2. If the boy hasn’t been truthful about the RCU support, why should we believe his speculative comments about the coach? It seems his vulnerability has been exploited using him as a pawn to serve someone else’s malicious agenda. We need to be cautious and question the truth behind all these claims.

    1. My humble response: There are three sides to these stories:
      1. The accusations made against Royal College Rugby.
      2. The Responses from Royal College Rugby (maybe the RCU).
      3. The 3rd side: THE TRUTH.
      For this purpose the RCU could appoint an independent Committee to discuss these issues, comprising maybe:
      U.L. Kaluarachchi
      Indrajit Coomaraswamy
      Maiya Gunasekera
      Lorenz Pereira (Zoom meetings)
      Branu Rahim
      I could serve as Coordinator.
      Only a suggestion.
      Such meetings will be strictly CONFIDENTIAL.

  3. Dearest gentle reader, why has he chosen this moment to voice his thoughts after so long in silence? One cannot help but ponder his true intentions, especially in light of the slanderous campaign unfolding against the coach. Is there an ulterior motive behind his words, as is often the case in our society, where ambitions and schemes swirl beneath the surface?

  4. Dearest gentle reader, allow me to regale you with a most alarming tale of intrigue and treachery unfolding within our esteemed society. It appears that a certain gentleman, aggrieved by his son’s failure to secure a place on the cherished Royal Rugby team, has orchestrated a most slanderous campaign against the coach and school. This plot, fueled by resentment, seeks to tarnish the reputation not only of the coach but also of the venerable school itself.
    In a most nefarious alliance, this discontented gentleman has joined forces with others harboring their own grievances—those whose personal grudges have long simmered beneath the surface. Together, they weave a tapestry of false allegations, each thread a carefully crafted deception aimed at undermining the integrity of those in charge.
    As whispers of this conspiracy spread through the media like wildfire, one must question the motives behind such malice. Is it revenge for a slight, or perhaps an attempt to elevate oneself at the expense of another? In a world where appearances can be deceiving, we must remain vigilant, for the truth often lies hidden beneath layers of ambition and envy.

  5. False accusations are not evidence of your guilt; they are a reflection of someone else’s fear, insecurity or agenda .

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