A Sri Lankan court on Wednesday ruled that the unexplained death of a renowned businessman in late...
A hit man on the payroll of a wanted Sri Lankan underworld figure was arrested at Sri...
The owner of a pharmaceutical company in Sri Lanka was arrested on Wednesday a day after a...
A female police officer and a male accomplice were arrested after they are alleged to have assaulted...
Gayathri Illanperuma the Personal Assistant to Janaka Ratnayake the former Chairman Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka has...
Some 37 Indian poachers were arrested along with five trawlers in Sri Lanka’s northern territorial waters over...
An irate man is alleged to have torched to death a homeless beggar as a slept on...
The world of cricket has fallen silent, as we mourn the loss of an extraordinary soul who...
The remains of Sri Lankan national Anula Jayathilake, who died in the Hamas-Israel conflict on October 7,...
Thirteen employees of a State-owned dairy institution in Sri Lanka were arrested Wednesday after they allegedly held...