A transformative initiative, titled “Lion Warriors,” has been launched in Sri Lanka with the ambitious goal of...
Minister of Sports Sunil Kumara Gamage has come under severe criticism from a prominent Sunday newspaper today...
Athletes and Sports Associations to Bear the Consequences Because of One Dishonest Man’s Defiant Rejection of Ethics...
A Sri Lankan boxer, who was set to compete in the prestigious Asian Boxing Championship starting today...
Renowned Sri Lankan artist Mueen Saheed has immortalized Pakistani Olympian Arshad Nadeem’s historic achievement with a striking...
Corruption Casts a Dark Shadow Over Corrupt NOCSL Executive Committee Members Sri Lanka’s sports sector is mired...
Tharushi Abhisheka of Wickramabahu National College, Gampola, made history on the second day of the All-Island School...
Sri Lankan athletes made an impressive start at the 4th South Asian Junior Athletics Championships 2024 in...
Nethmi Ahimsa Fernando, Sri Lanka’s rising wrestling star, returned to the island last night (8th) after a...
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (September 3, 2024) — Dr. Maiya Gunasekara, President of the National Sports Council, has...