Popular actress Damitha Abeyratne, known for her role as “Lak Amma,” is officially entering politics by contesting...
The Colombo High Court, presided over by Judge Mr. Aditya Patabandige, sentenced a lawyer to eight years...
With time running out for the suspension of National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka General Secretary Maxwell...
In a significant development, the Attorney General reported to the Maligakanda Magistrate’s Court today that the Sri...
The investigation into the suicide of the 16-year-old schoolgirl who jumped from the Lotus Tower continues, with...
Minister of Public Security Vijitha Herath announced that the Inland Revenue Department will intensify its investigation into...
Former State Minister Diana Gamage expressed her strong support for President Anura Dissanayake, claiming that he possesses...
The Importers of Essential Foods Association has reassured the public that there is currently no shortage of...
The Matale High Court has issued arrest warrants for Upul Tharanga, the Chairman of the Sri Lanka...
Minister Vijitha Herath announced today that the government has initiated an investigation into the alleged disappearance of...