Nestled amidst lush mountains in the central highlands, Kandy is a city that embodies the rich cultural...
By Marlon Dale Ferreira Sigiriya, also known as Lion Rock, is one of Sri Lanka’s most treasured...
By Marlon Dale Ferreira Sri Lanka, known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean,” offers a diverse...
By Marlon Dale Ferreira Sri Lanka – A Gem of Natural and Cultural Wonders Sri Lanka, an...
Sri Lanka has reported a significant boost in tourism earnings, exceeding $1.5 billion in the first half...
(COLOMBO) – Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has stepped in to solve a ‘Happy Hour’ alcohol row...
In a twist that could only happen in Sri Lanka, the nation recently achieved a world-first by...
An American tourist from Boston recently lauded the Sri Lanka Tourist Police for their timely and effective...
In an inspiring blend of tradition and innovation, Japan’s esteemed beverage giant Kirin has launched a unique...