October 22, 2024
Home » The Real Parents of the 2024 Royal College Rugby Team Deny Demanding Head Coach Lewke’s Removal

5 thoughts on “The Real Parents of the 2024 Royal College Rugby Team Deny Demanding Head Coach Lewke’s Removal

  1. A couple of things still remain unclear.

    If 24 parents have signed this letter, what happened to the balance 16 players parents in the 1st XV squad .

    They also mention that they stand with the coach but can they also confirm if things like players being assaulted by the coach, players training during school hours and Army teams training with the school boys didn’t happen. Or if it did happen, I assume parents are ok with it . Unfortunately specifics have not been addressed in the letter.

    The other thing that needs looking into is if parents were asked to sign this letter by the rugby committee and parents signed it fearing their child should not be victimized . We need to understand a lot is at stake for boys who can play next year, rugby colors and prefect-ship, or did they do it out of their free will ?

    Some things don’t add up

    1. It’s quite straightforward: anonymous letters that lack credible voices only serve as a tactic to ignite a baseless smear campaign. Its very clear who is orchestrating this, with the assistance of an accomplice from inside the school who has been colluding to spread misinformation. The truth is beginning to surface, and soon it will all be revealed about you and your little crew

    2. Well, let me tell how things do add up. First of all, I don’t know whether you’re actually Rizan Nazar or Hiran Peiris who is actually behind all this. Or you might be one of their puppets. Let me break it down for you.
      1. There are only 32 players in the whole squad.
      2.The one parent who is behind all this (Rizan Nazar) has definitely “Not” signed. That’s not Rocket science.
      3. Some parents are residing overseas, so gathering them around on a short notice is hard. Yet the skipper’s father was able to do so.
      4. Do you have any idea of how stupid you sound? Based on your own assumptions and speculations.
      Final Conclusion :
      You might very well be a front player or the person himself, Rizan Nazar. The parent who tried to bribe in his kid but when the coach declined now taking it personal with him. BTW considering he tried to influence some other coaches too, I am not surprised.
      Hope this explains you a lot “Dulanja”.

  2. Whether the parents signed the letter or not the issue.
    If the Players have been subjected to o er training and training with Army players is normally not done.
    When a player while training gets injured then its the duty of the coach to see about the player a d not competing him to continue the training.
    These are matters that should be looked into.

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