In a recent development, MP Nilanthi Kottachchi has been admitted to a psychiatric clinic for treatment due to severe mental distress caused by defamatory posts targeting her on social media. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) disclosed this information during proceedings at the Colombo Additional Magistrate’s Court, revealing that Kottachchi’s emotional health had deteriorated significantly due to the false online accusations.
The CID’s statement followed the arrest of Ravinda Kammuthi, a Tapu Pradeshiya Sabha member, who was taken into custody for posting derogatory and defamatory remarks about Kottachchi. According to the complainant, the social media posts caused her immense shame, mental discomfort, and fear, affecting her reputation and causing social disrepute. It was also mentioned that residents in her community had expressed disapproval of her due to the damaging nature of the posts.
To address the resulting mental stress, Kottachchi sought medical assistance at the Colombo National Hospital, where she was examined by the Chief Psychiatrist. After thorough evaluation, it was recommended that she continue treatment at the hospital’s specialized Mental Illness Clinic. Medical professionals emphasized the need for ongoing psychiatric care to help her manage the emotional fallout from the incident.
During the court hearing, the CID also outlined the severity of the emotional distress Kottachchi experienced due to the defamatory content, stressing the long-term psychological impact such actions could have on public figures. In light of the situation, the court decided to release the suspect, Ravinda Kammuthi, on a personal bail of 500,000 rupees. However, Kammuthi was issued a stern warning regarding the serious consequences of spreading false and harmful content on social media.
This case highlights the ongoing issue of online defamation and its potential to cause real harm to individuals, particularly public figures, and serves as a reminder of the importance of responsibility and accountability in the digital space.