Deputy Minister of Agriculture Namal Karunaratne revealed that over Rs. 6 billion had been paid to a Chinese contracting company for a tunnel boring machine (TBM) intended for the Northern Province Canal Project, which remains idle without completing any work. This disclosure came during a recent media briefing following a progress review meeting at the Polpithigama Divisional Secretariat concerning the North Western Province Canal Project.
Minister Karunaratne criticized the wastefulness, stating, “This is just one instance of squandered resources. Additionally, an advisory office continues to operate for overseeing the North Western, Northern, and Minipe projects, even though project activities have been halted. This office incurs monthly expenses exceeding Rs. 11.5 million, which is being paid from the Asian Development Bank’s project grant funds.”
The Deputy Minister expressed frustration, noting that funds for halted projects are still being spent, which will likely necessitate further borrowing or alternative financing to restart the work.
While partial progress has been made on the Northern Province Canal and Minipe projects, the Deputy Minister highlighted the stagnation of the Wayamba Canal project over the past decade. “In ten years, only a 22-kilometer irregular canal has been excavated. The 550-meter tunnel meant to channel water from the Maha Kithula to the Maha Kirula reservoirs hasn’t even begun. The project is at a standstill, and now they’re asking for another Rs. 20 Billion to resume work,” he stated.
The Minister emphasized the urgent need for a comprehensive review of these stalled projects and an effective strategy to prevent further wastage of public funds.