Doctors attached to Sri Lankan State hospitals on Friday called off their strike following favourable responses received by the authorities on their demands, Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) Secretary Dr. Haritha Aluthge said.
The GMOA that launched the trade union action on Thursday had vowed to continue their strike on a staggered level from province to province if their demands were not met.
The strike was aimed at pressing home several demands that included salary anomalies, administrative issues and so on, Aluthge said.
Thousands of patients seeking medical treatment were inconvenienced by the trade union action and the GMOA said that the Government should take the blame for such a situation.
The GMOA is an all powerful trade union in the Government medical sector and are known to launch strikes on a frequent basis irrespective of the Government in power.
However the GMOA trade union actions have repeatedly come under severe criticism from the irate public and it has also been accused of harbouring a clandestine political agenda.
The GMOA for their part has denied any political affiliations or agendas saying they are forced to launch trade union actions simply because the relevant authorities are lethargic towards their issues.