Sri Lanka’s controversial Deputy Inspector General of Police Deshabandu Tennekoon has pleaded his innocence over a document that has been circulating on Social media that says he accepted a job from Sri Lanka Cricket to be its security consultant for a monthly pay of Rs. 150 plus free petrol, medical insurance, a laptop computer and free telephone.
According to Tennekoon’s appointment letter signed by Sri Lanka Cricket’s Human Resources Manager Tanesh Dias, a retire army Major, Tennekoon’s contract ran for a two-year period from August 16, 2021 to August 15, 2023.
Tanesh Dias is a close aide of the now suspended Sri Lanka Cricket president Shammi Silva as both men are high ranking members of the Colombo Gymkhana Club that has the Colombo Cricket Club and the CH and FC rugby team under its wings.
Tennekoon said he only received the offer to be the head of security at Sri Lanka Cricket which he declined as it was not in keeping with Police Department requirements that prohibit them from accepting any other public responsibility while being in uniform.
“|When Sri Lanka Cricket offered me this job I informed the Ministry of Public Security and submitted a written report. At that time, Ministry Secretary Jagath Alwis, advised me not to accept the offer saying that it could become an issue for me in the future,” DIG Tennekoon told the media.
He also went to the extent of saying that he will sacrifice an expected post of Inspector General of Police by resigning from the Police Department if it can be proved that he accepted the offer from Sri Lanka Cricket to be its security consultant.
He claimed that detractors in the Police force were working towards discrediting him at a crucial time he is expecting the highest promotion in the law enforcement authority.