Hungarian born Viktor Huszar, the Chairman of the International Federation of Teqball (FITEQ) responding to The Morning Telegraph’s email, expressed his sadness that many Sri Lankans were unaware that such a sport exists in Sri Lanka and confirmed that he would get the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka to conduct an investigation of its own Executive Committee Members who had formed a Teqball Association way back in 2019 and have been receiving steady funds.
Despite sending steady funds for the promotion and development of the sport Teqball, Huszar, one of three co-founders and co-inventors of the sport of Teqball stated in his email – quote “I have read it with great concern that the significant financial funds provided to the Sri Lankan National Federation of Teqball, managed by NOCSL Ex-Co Officials, could have been misused. I will initiate a full investigation request by the NOC immediately.” – unquote.

On the 26th of February, The Morning Telegraph published an article titled ” EXPOSE: More Scandalous Acts Committed By NOCSL Ex-Co Officials”, where it highlighted a group of NOCSL Executive Committee Members who had formed several new Sport Associations such as Teqball, Dance Sport (suspended now by the Ministry of Sports and an investigation is currently being conducted by the Fraud Bureau) and Skiing and Snowboarding Association of Sri Lanka (Winter Sports) and who have been collecting funds from global parent associations and also well wishes. It was reported that despite collecting such funds, the majority of the general public of Sri Lanka were unaware that such sport associations even existed.

NOCSL Executive Committee officials such as Maxwell De Silva the (Secretary General) and Gamini Jayasinghe (Treasurer) who are currently being investigated by multiple investigation teams for fraud, corruption and human smuggling, along with some other Ex-Co Members are those mentioned as the alleged perpetrators.
A copy of the email sent by Viktor Huszar the Chairman of the International Federation of Teqball (FITEQ) appears below.
From: Dr. Viktor Huszár <viktor@teqball.com>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 5:17 PM
To:editor@themorningtelegraph.com <editor@themorningtelegraph.com>
Subject: RE: EXPOSE: More Scandalous Acts Committed By NOCSL Ex-Co Officials
Dear Editor!
I have read the story and it makes me very concerned about the use of funds.
„Teqball is a fantastic sport and Sri Lankans have the right to experience it, develop it and participate at national and international teqball events. I am very sad to learn that most Sri Lankans have not heard of Teqball, and even more disappointed that our funds never reached the Sri Lankan teqball athletes. I have read it with great concern that the significant financial funds provided to the Sri Lankan National Federation of Teqball, managed by NOCSL Ex-Co Officials, could have been misused. I will initiate a full investigation request by the NOC immediately.”
Thank you
Viktor Huszar