A top official attached to Sri Lanka Cricket confirmed that they have no involvement with the current Legends Cricket Tournament taking place in Kandy, amidst the current drama surrounding allegations of match fixing that has even had two Indian team managers barred from leaving the country by the Colombo Fort Magistrate.
“As a matter of fact this tournament was not even sanctioned by SLC. This is a privately organized event and the only involvement SLC had was renting out the grounds to the organizers for their tournament.”
According to a published report, it states two former international cricketers, one from Sri Lanka and the other from New Zealand had reported to officials of the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) attached to the Ministry of Sports, that they had been approached by two Indian Team Managers to fix matches currently taking place in Kandy.
Offenses related to match fixing is now a criminal offense in Sri Lanka after a law was passed in 2019. Offenders found guilty in a court of law could face jail time and also have to pay hefty fines.
The SIU is currently investigating this matter.