Home » Scrutiny of Speaker Ashoka Ranwala’s Academic Credentials Raises Concerns

1 thought on “Scrutiny of Speaker Ashoka Ranwala’s Academic Credentials Raises Concerns

  1. The astonishing thing is that the Hon Speaker gives no dates for his claimed academic qualifications. Nor does he even list the title of his alleged doctoral thesis.

    In contrast in the instance of the Hon Prime Minister her academic credentials and dates are stated clearly in her Wikipedia entry and in her case (she is actually a PhD from Edinburgh University) it is very easy to find her thesis title and abstract from the University of Edinburgh.

    The Hon Speaker’s LinkedIn entry has now been removed, there is now a possibly new entry for one “Asoka Ranwala” but with no details at all, or no details yet.

    The Hon Speaker’s Wikipedia entry (which is of course open to edit by almost anyone) now says he holds a NDT diploma rather than a degree. This is more plausible. A NDT diploma is not a Bachelors degree, of course.

    The University of Moratuwa will of course know the facts definitively, but may fear political retribution and therefore be reluctant to provide a resolution.

    As for the Waseda University doctoral dissertation also allegedly ascribed to the Hon Speaker, the following data sources at Waseda (2) and at the Parliament of Japan (1) show no record of such a dissertation.
    The simplest explanation of this absence, is surely that the dissertation does not actually exist.

    Waseda University Library has a externally accessible database of all Waseda dissertations held by that Library which can be searched at:

    There is also Waseda University Repository, which purports to hold all of the University’s doctoral dissertations and many other documents. This source also has no record of a doctoral dissertation by this person. The data repository may be found here:

    The DIET (Parliament of Japan) also has an online library of details of dissertations published in Japan. There is no relevant entry in this data source either.

    it would of course be a easy matter for the Hon Speaker to refute these allegations. It is intriguing that he chooses not to do so, alleging political persecution.

    This seems like an early test of the committment of the new Government to honesty and probity in political life.

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