The Cabinet has once again rejected a proposal by Prime Minister Harini Amarasuriya, who also serves as...
A storm of controversy has erupted within Royal College Colombo’s rugby program following a damning open letter...
In a significant development for Sri Lanka’s economic future, the United States has expressed its commitment to...
Mr. Wasantha Samarasinghe emphasized that the investigations have already shaken the Rajapaksa camp, who he claims are...
Train operations on Sri Lanka’s scenic Upland route will face significant disruption as an Indo-Sri Lankan film...
A wave of disappointment has swept through the ranks of the National People’s Power (NPP) as many...
Popular actress Damitha Abeyratne, known for her role as “Lak Amma,” is officially entering politics by contesting...
The Colombo High Court, presided over by Judge Mr. Aditya Patabandige, sentenced a lawyer to eight years...
With time running out for the suspension of National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka General Secretary Maxwell...
In a significant development, the Attorney General reported to the Maligakanda Magistrate’s Court today that the Sri...