The world of cricket has fallen silent, as we mourn the loss of an extraordinary soul who...
The remains of Sri Lankan national Anula Jayathilake, who died in the Hamas-Israel conflict on October 7,...
Thirteen employees of a State-owned dairy institution in Sri Lanka were arrested Wednesday after they allegedly held...
At least 15 persons were injured, six seriously after a fire broke out at a textile shop...
The authorities in Sri Lanka have launched a massive crackdown on organized criminal syndicates as crime continues...
Some 115 school children belong to a total of 150 persons that have been killed in motor...
An army Sergeant was taken into custody after he is alleged to have forced his wife and...
Sri Lanka’s newly appointed Health Minister has vowed to make some crucial decisions in the sector including...
The Sri Lankan authorities yesterday cautioned its citizens against attempting to cross over into Israel through illegal...
Colombo authorities in the dark The defence authorities and the Foreign Ministry was yesterday in the dark...