Maxwell De Silva the Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka who is currently being investigated for multiple cases of fraud and corruption by several independent bodies is back in the news once again. This time accused by Nalin Adhikariarachchige the Secretary General of the Cycling Federation of Sri Lanka for stealing a brand-new exercise bicycle and having it transported to his residence.
Adhikariarachchige, the Secretary General of the Cycling Federation whilst addressing a letter to Joseph Kenny the Chairman (Finance Committee) of the NOCSL and dated the 22nd of January 2024 wrote “There is credible evidence for misappropriation of assets at of the NOC-SL, particularly against the Secretary General Maxwell DeSilva who has made arrangements to transfer a brand-new exercise bike to his personal residence after declaring same as obsolete. This equipment has been obtained to the then operational NOC gymnasium in 2016, and after declaring that same was in a condition of “Beyond Repair/Obsolete” the Secretary General has managed to transport the same to his private residence. This corrupt act had been regularized by Mr. Lalith Vithana, Co-chair of the Finance Committee, by producing a bogus report to indicate the equipment had become obsolete. The document which contains the list of properties available in the said Gymnasium at the time and who has authorized the declaration of a brand-new equipment as “Beyond Repair/Obsolete” and subsequent transfer of same has to be investigated and brought to the public knowledge as same has been a blatant disregard to the rights of the sportsmen and women of Sri Lanka as well as the membership of the NOC-SL.”

Gamini Jayasinghe – NOCSL (Treasurer) named as a corrupt NOCSL official by MP Chinthaka Mayadunne
Adhikariarachchige commenced writing his letter by highlighting the fact that a scheduled Forensic Audit which was agreed upon at the AGM held in 2021 was yet to be conducted.
His letter also states ” The requirement for the conduct of a Forensic Audit on the financial reports of the NOC-SL has been proposed at the AGM of the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka held on 30.12.21. However, the executive committee intimated a requirement of 01 month to prepare proceedings for such an audit at the said AGM. However, the membership has not heard anything on this subject since and it has been rumored that the alleged misappropriations by the several persoans in the Executive Committee will be put under the carpet once again.”
The urge to conduct this delayed Forensic Audit was also echoed a few days ago by Upali Rajapakse the President of the Handball Federation of Sri Lanka (HFSL) who sent in an official letter addressed to Gamini Jayasinghe the Treasurer of the NOCSL on the 29th of January 2024.
The HFSL President Rajapakse whilst writing his letter titled “London Olympic 2012 & financial fraud involved by you and few others of the NOCSL” went on to state “Having come to understand that your direct involvement in the matter of London Olympic 2012 event tickets were being sold at the black market and took further action to write off those values on the annual accounts, this matter considered as a huge violation of IOC rules and regulations and also tarnish the reputation of NOCSL nationally and as well as internationally.”
Writing further Rajapakse went on to accuse NOCSL officials such as Devahenry, Maxwell De Silva, Nishantha Piyasena and Gamini Jayasinghe for selling these said tickets at black market rates and subsequently writing them off as unsold in the accounts statements.
He further requested Gamini Jayasinghe the Treasurer (NOCSL) to conduct a Forensic Audit, as it was once again brought up at the NOCSL AGM, which was held on the 30th of December 2023.
Copies of the mentioned two letters is in the possession of The Morning Telegraph.

Dian Gomes – President of the Sri Lanka Boxing Association submitted a letter insisting that a Forensic Audit be conducted by the NOCSL
It is reliably learnt that even Dian Gomes the President of the Sri Lanka Boxing Association had also requested the NOCSL to conduct a Forensic Audit. His grouse had been pertaining to the per diems that were pocketed by NOCSL Ex-Co officials when they were not entitled to it. This is when they travelled to global sporting events such as the Olympics and Commonwealth Games.
Meanwhile, a President of a prominent sports body who was at the NOCSL AGM and when speaking to The Morning Telegraph condition of anonymity said ” The Executive Committee of the NOCSL is controlled by people such as the Secretary General Maxwell De Silva and Treasurer Gamini Jayasinghe who have managed to drum up the support of certain other corrupt officials, who outnumber the good officials and control decision-making processors. Take even this Forensic Audit for example. It was approved to have been conducted over two years ago. However, these corrupt officials have managed to shelve it because they themselves know that all their fraudulent activities over the years will all come to light. Some of these guys must be tried and jailed for the fraudulent acts they perform. Maxi has got the perfect Treasurer in Gamini Jayasinghe, the former Prisons Commissioner who was once accused of being on the pay roll of convicted prisoner Mohamed ‘Potta’ Naufer who was sentenced to death for killing Judge Sarath Ambepitiya. Apparently ‘Potta’ Naufer had also once paid for his air ticket to travel to Thailand. These allegations were made by a Member of Parliament. What do you expect when those who are unemployed and or retired government servants hold such posts?”

Suranjith Premadasa named as a corrupt NOCSL official by MP Chinthaka Mayadunne
Maxwell De Silva is probably the only sport official in the country who has and continues to still have the most number of investigations conducted against any authoritative sport official in the country due to his alleged involvement in fraud, corruption and even human smuggling.
However, it may not be surprising to note that he has up until now come out unscathed, despite being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Department of Sri Lanka, the Commission to Investigate Bribery or Corruption, the Special Investigation Unit, the NOCSL Ethics Committee and also the Ministry of Sports in Sri Lanka. This is besides De Silva being currently investigated by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) for his alleged involvement with the now banned Kuwaiti Sheikh Ahmed Al Sabah, who just a week ago lost his appeal against the IOC at the Civil District Court of Lausanne, Switzerland and was convicted to serve 28 months in jail for forgery.

Chandana Liyanage named as a corrupt NOCSL official by MP Chinthaka Mayadunne
Members of several sports bodies and athletes alike, continue to lament that those officials such as the current NOCSL Sec. General Maxwell De Silva (who has held onto this position for years despite being unemployed) understands very well how to survive all these allegations, whilst continuing to remain innocent, that is until he is proven otherwise.
“He is known to frequently avoid attending investigations by submitting medical certificates. For instance, summoning of an official from the NOCSL by the Bribery Commission regarding an investigation into human smuggling (Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham) on the 27th of December 2023, has also been postponed. It is yet to be established when that investigation is scheduled to be held next.” stated a disgruntled source attached to a sport federation.

Lalith Withana – Co-Chairman (Finance) NOCSL – A close confidante of Sec. General Maxwell De Silva
The allegations against Maxwell De Silva and also his close associates in the NOCSL Executive Committee are destined to mount, as it has in the past.
Perhaps only a conducted Forensic Audit could clear the good name of the NOCSL, in full, for good.
But the all-important question is, will it ever be conducted?