(COLOMBO) – A Sri Lankan man is alleged to have forcibly bitten a German tourist on her breast during a botched rape incident at a tourist beach hot spot in Ambalangoda some 80 kilo meters from Colombo in the island’s Deep South, police said on Saturday.
They said the woman who was not named had the terrifying encounter on a lonely beach shortly before sunset and was later treated by medics at the hotel she had booked into.
The woman told police that the man had suddenly lunged at her from behind.
The woman had fought off the man and in the ensuing melee he had bitten her breast, police said.
She had later fled to the hotel and sought security from the management.
The police are currently going through security cameras in search of evidence to apprehend the suspect.
Sexual attacks in the island-nation are rare although travel advisories from foreign countries have repeatedly warned their citizens to be cautious when travelling solo.