In hard hitting Christmas Day sermons, two Sri Lankan bishops slammed the government and took it apart as nearly two million Christians in the country celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ while millions more welcomed the historic occasion that marked the festive season.
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, one of the most outspoken critics of a corruption-sustaining government, said the country’s rulers were having a field day while more than 15 million people were struggling to have one meal a day.
Elsewhere at another church packed with worshippers another senior and high ranking clergyman, Bishop Vincent Fernando declared that everything that is anti Christ was holding sway in the island.
“A few months ago a survey showed that eight million could not afford one square meal a day and that figure has now doubled.
“We have a government that sustains corruption and corrupt elements that has made the country fall into the top shelf of the most corrupt countries in the world.
“There is no future in sight and equally worse is the complete breakdown of law and order,” Cardinal Ranjith told a church congregation as he celebrated midnight Mass.
He joined some 200 downtrodden people at a Christmas lunch in an act of solidarity with the poor.
Bishop Fernando reserved his Christmas homily to tell his flock that the state of affairs in the country can no longer be tolerated.
“Lies, deception, cheating, suppression of the truth, corruption, bribery and the greed for power and position have become the scourge of this country. It flows like a stream and all this has to end”, said Bishop Fernando.